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Welcome to the Institutional Repository of Progressive Education Society's Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Shivajinagar, Pune-5. The repository is launched as a part of Golden Jubilee celebrations of the establishment of the college in February 2020. It comprises of the Institutional and Faculty publications, Research Papers, Conference Proceedings, E-contents developed by the faculty members, Theses and Dissertations, Project Rreports, Assignments, Newspaper Clippings, Question Papers, College Magazines, Annual Report, E-bulletin etc.

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Showing results 869 to 888 of 1402 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
27-Dec-2023T.Y.B.A ESE Regular & Backlog March/April 2023-
27-Dec-2023T.Y.B.Com ESE Regular & Backlog March/April 2023-
27-Dec-2023T.Y.B.Voc ESE Regular & Backlog March/April 2023-
3-Jan-2023Tantrik babihi tapasa (Comment regarding Preparations of G-20)Deshmukh, Shamkant
Apr-2021Test 2 and Test 3 (M.A. Psychology Part-1)-
2004Textbook for Environmental Studies: For Under Graduate Courses of all Branches of Higher EducationBharucha, Erach for University Grants Commission
Mar-2021THEATRE PLAY: 'MAX UND MILLI' ( SYBA German Special I Part B Semester-IV)Department of German, MCASC Shivajinagar, Pune-5
12-Mar-2023Third Year B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com/ B.Sc Computer Science/ B.Voc FT & AD / BBA/ BBA(CA)/ BBA(IB) ESE Regular & Backlog Oct/Nov 2022-
31-Mar-2021Three Dimensional System and Planes: Notes (FYBSc Mathematics)Paratne, Pooja M.
Oct-2020The Three Processes (Video Lecture) FYBSc PhysicsGogte, Sanket R.
16-Sep-2020Tips for conducting Online ExaminationsGaikwad, V.B.
Nov-2016Title of the Article: Dharma vishayak chintan ( धर्मविषयक चिंतन )Bhandare, Nisha; Kolwalkar, Ramesh. (Editor)
Dec-2017Title of the Article: R.N.Chavan yanchi purogami vaicharik yashogatha ( रा. ना. चव्हाण यांची पुरोगामी वैचारिक यशोगाथा )Bhandare, Nisha; Paranjape, S.Y. (Chief Editor); Bhandare, Nisha. (Editor)
Dec-1987To study effects of 1 MeV Electron Irradiation on some Electronic ComponentsWagh, Shriram
1-Jul-2020Tolerance Approach to Sensitivity Analysis in Multiobjective Transportation ProblemParatne, P.M.; Bit, A.K.
Jul-2020Tolerance sensitivity analysis of objective functions coefficients in multiobjective transportation problemParatne, P.M.; Bit, A.K.
27-Jul-2020Tools to create and store e-contentSardesai, Anjali Shailesh
6-Aug-2020Tough Times Don't Last but Tough People Do !Godse, Sunil
Aug-2021Transfer of Training (M.A. Psychology Part-1)-