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Welcome to the Institutional Repository of Progressive Education Society's Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Shivajinagar, Pune-5. The repository is launched as a part of Golden Jubilee celebrations of the establishment of the college in February 2020. It comprises of the Institutional and Faculty publications, Research Papers, Conference Proceedings, E-contents developed by the faculty members, Theses and Dissertations, Project Rreports, Assignments, Newspaper Clippings, Question Papers, College Magazines, Annual Report, E-bulletin etc.

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Showing results 685 to 704 of 1402 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2020Object Oriented Concepts, Modeling and UML (TYBBA-CA; Sem-V ; Chapter-1)Patil, Pratap
8-Dec-2020Objectives of Holding InventoryKarale, Urmila
2015Odonata assemblage at a small marshy land in Khadki (Pune city) – An assessmentDutta Saha, Priyanka; Gaikwad, Sunil M.
14-Aug-2021Online entry system for UG Courses, results by Aug-end-
13-Oct-2021Only a few colleges reopen;most waiting for state government guidelines-
May-2021Open Library-
14-Aug-2023Operations Research Practicals (TYBSc Mathematics)Paratne, Pooja M.
Oct-2020Operations Research- LCEMn VAM ; Operations Research- Duality concept (2) ; Operations Research- Duality concept (1) ( TYBSc Mathematics )Paratne, Pooja M.
Nov-2020Operations Research- Maximization Transportation Problem ( TYBSc Mathematics )Paratne, Pooja M.
Sep-2020Operations Research: Formulation of LPPParatne, Pooja M.
25-Jul-2020Opportunities in Health IndustryBhosale, Sumedha
Jan-2021Optional English (G l)-
17-Jul-2021Organisation in MemorySakatkar, Shraddha
Jan-2021Organization Skill Development-I-
Jan-2021Organization Skill Development-I (MARATHI)-
4-Sep-2020Orientation / Induction Program 2: Autonomy and Evaluation MethodsSardesai, Anjali Shailesh
16-Oct-2020An Orientation Session/ A Virtual WelcomeDepartment of German
5-Sep-2020Orientation/Induction Program Day 3: Student Welfare, NCC, Art Circle, Library and Information Centre, NSS, Sports/ GymkhanaPuranik, Shubhangi; Kamble, Ashok; Sengupta, Shantashree S.; Varade, Prabhakar; Phale, Vikram
2-Aug-2023The Output of National Education Policy (Rashtriya Shaikshanik Dhoranache Parinaam)Ekbote, Gajanan