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Welcome to the Institutional Repository of Progressive Education Society's Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Shivajinagar, Pune-5. The repository is launched as a part of Golden Jubilee celebrations of the establishment of the college in February 2020. It comprises of the Institutional and Faculty publications, Research Papers, Conference Proceedings, E-contents developed by the faculty members, Theses and Dissertations, Project Rreports, Assignments, Newspaper Clippings, Question Papers, College Magazines, Annual Report, E-bulletin etc.

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Showing results 424 to 443 of 1402 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1931Jaya-Mangala (जय-मंगला)Pendharkar, Yashwant, Dinkar
29-Jan-2023Jeevan Gaurav Puraskar presented to Prof. Dr. Gajanan Ekbote-
20-Aug-2020Jobs/Career 2022++Shikarpur, Deepak
2020Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship-
2020Journal of Organization Design-
1999Journal of Scientific and Industrial ResearchCSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR)
Jun-2022Journal of Zoology-
16-Jun-2022Kadambarivar aadharit chitrapat (कादंबरीवर आधारित चित्रपट)Raikar, Uma
1947Kamala (कमला), 3rd Ed.Savarkar, Vinayak Damodar
26-Jan-2023Kanitkar Day 2023 organised by P.E.Society-
Sep-2020Klassik, T.Y.B.A German Special IV-
17-Jul-2021Knowledge of ResultSakatkar, Shraddha
Oct-2020Kurzgeschichte 'Das Brot' ; Kurzgeschichte 'Die Küchenuhr' ; Konkrete Poesie (SYBA German General)Mahajan, Sneha
26-Mar-2024Lab Course on Computational Geometry for FYBSc NEPParatne, Pooja M.
Oct-2020Lagune 2_ Deutsch als Fremdsprache _ Arbeitsbuch ; Lagune 2_ Deutsch als Fremdsprache _ Kursbuch (SYBA GERMAN)Mahajan, Sneha
Sep-2020Langranges Interpolation Formula Part 1Paratne, Pooja M.
Sep-2020Langranges Interpolation Formula Part 2Paratne, Pooja M.
Oct-2020Linear Differential Equations with constant coefficients (T.Y.B.Sc Mathematics)Bhavale, A.N.
Oct-2020Linear Systems of Differential Equations (T.Y.B.Sc Mathematics)Bhavale, A.N.