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Welcome to the Institutional Repository of Progressive Education Society's Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Shivajinagar, Pune-5. The repository is launched as a part of Golden Jubilee celebrations of the establishment of the college in February 2020. It comprises of the Institutional and Faculty publications, Research Papers, Conference Proceedings, E-contents developed by the faculty members, Theses and Dissertations, Project Rreports, Assignments, Newspaper Clippings, Question Papers, College Magazines, Annual Report, E-bulletin etc.

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Showing results 356 to 375 of 1401 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10-Jan-2023G-20: Role of India in Economic Diplomacy (Newspaper clippings on Visit of Dr. Shailendra Deolankar, Director, Higher Education on Conference organised by Department of Economics, MCASC, Pune-5)-
19-Sep-2020Gender EqualityPhadke, Manjoo
Jan-2021German-I (Advanced)-
Jan-2021German-I (Basic)-
Jan-2021German-l (Basic)-
Sep-2020Germanen Geschichte, T.Y.B.A German Special III-
Nov-2020Geschichte Deutschlands: Literarische Texte Part - 1 ; Geschichte Deutschlands: Literarische Texte Part - 2 ; Roman: 'Doppelte Lottchen' (SYBA German Special) ; Aussehen und Geschmack Part - 1 ; Aussehen und Geschmack Part - 2 ; Aussehen und Geschmack Part - 3 (SYBA German General)Mahajan, Sneha
23-Oct-2021Get off the online studies: Samant-
13-Dec-2021Ghole Road to house mega-library with at least 50000 books and digital section with 40 computers as well-
Sep-2017Globalisation and Women Employees: A Study on Women Employees in BPO Industry in IndiaDeka, Shikha Jyoti.; Sebastian, N. (Guide)
17-Jul-2021Goal SettingSakatkar, Shraddha
2-Jan-2022Golden Jubilee Reunion MODERN B.Com 1970-74-
Jan-2021Graphic Arts (Image Editing)-
Mar-2021Graphical Method (FYBCom)Paratne, Pooja M.
Mar-2021Graphical Method (FYBCom- 2nd Set of Video lectures)Paratne, Pooja M.
11-Jul-2022Group TheoryGurram, Smita
29-Sep-2020Guidance Document Good Academic Research PracticesPatwardhan, B.; Desai, A.; Chourasai, A.; Nag, S.; Bhatnagar, R.
25-Jan-2003Guruvarya Late V.T.Tatke Smrutigranth (Janmashatabdi Samaroh 2002-2003)Ekbote, G.R. Chairman, Editorial Board
Aug-2022Guruvarya Shankarrao Kanitkar Puraskar 2022: Dr. Madhuri Kanitkar, Vice Chancellor, MUHS, Nasik-