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Welcome to the Institutional Repository of Progressive Education Society's Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Autonomous), Shivajinagar, Pune-5. The repository is launched as a part of Golden Jubilee celebrations of the establishment of the college in February 2020. It comprises of the Institutional and Faculty publications, Research Papers, Conference Proceedings, E-contents developed by the faculty members, Theses and Dissertations, Project Rreports, Assignments, Newspaper Clippings, Question Papers, College Magazines, Annual Report, E-bulletin etc.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 1402  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-20201) Going up theorem, Going down theorem and related topics ; 2) Euclidean domain, Principle ideal domain, Unique factorization domain and related topics ; 3) Cauchy theorem and integral formula, power series representation, classification of singularities and related topics ; 4) Open mapping theorem, Principle of Uniform Boundedness and related topics. ; 5) Tychonoff’s theorem and related topics ; 6) Bilinear form, Hermitian form, Quadratic form and related topics ; 7) Radical Extension and related topics (Guest Lecture Series for M.Sc.Mathematics Students)Kadu, Ganesh; Khairnar, A.S.; Borse, Y.M.; Sonawane R.B.; Katre, S.A.; Kandekar, Smita; Waphare, B.N.
27-Oct-20201. Modalverben (F.Y.B.A, S.Y.B.A, T.Y.B.A)Mahajan, Sneha
28-Oct-202010. Perfekt ( F.Y.B.A, S.Y.B.A, T.Y.B.A GERMAN)Mahajan, Sneha
28-Oct-202011. Perfekt ( F.Y.B.A, S.Y.B.A, T.Y.B.A GERMAN)Mahajan, Sneha
28-Oct-202012. Perfekt ( F.Y.B.A, S.Y.B.A, T.Y.B.A GERMAN)Mahajan, Sneha
28-Oct-202013. Präpositionen ( F.Y.B.A, S.Y.B.A, T.Y.B.A GERMAN)Mahajan, Sneha
14-Apr-202314 Hours Reading Activity on the occasion of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Jayanti-
28-Oct-202014. Dass Sätze ( F.Y.B.A, S.Y.B.A, T.Y.B.A GERMAN)Mahajan, Sneha
28-Oct-202015. Finalsätze (um…zu, damit) ( F.Y.B.A, S.Y.B.A, T.Y.B.A GERMAN)Mahajan, Sneha
28-Oct-202016. Infinitv + zu ( F.Y.B.A, S.Y.B.A, T.Y.B.A GERMAN)Mahajan, Sneha
28-Oct-202017. Präteritum ( F.Y.B.A, S.Y.B.A, T.Y.B.A GERMAN)Mahajan, Sneha
28-Oct-202018. Komparativ Superlativ ( F.Y.B.A, S.Y.B.A, T.Y.B.A GERMAN)Mahajan, Sneha
Oct-202019. Denkanstoß_Philosophie ; 22. Partizipialkonstruktion ; 23. Philosophical quotes ; 24. Rückblicke ; 25. Hintergrund zu Epochen (TYBA GERMAN)Mahajan, Sneha
Apr-20181960 nantarche stree likhit sahitya, samikhsa aani sanshodhan (१९६० नंतरचे स्त्री लिखित साहित्य, समीक्षा आणि संशोधन )Jadhav, Vaijayantimala; Tawre, Snehal. (Post Doctoral Research Project Guide)
Apr-20221990 Nantarchya Kaadambaritil Laingik Jaaniva (१९९० नंतरच्या कादंबरीतील लैंगिक जाणीवा)Jadhav, Vaijayantimala
27-Oct-20202. Modalverben (F.Y.B.A, S.Y.B.A, T.Y.B.A)Mahajan, Sneha
Oct-202020. Formell ‘Sie Form’, Informell ‘du Form’ ; 21. Internationale Wörter ; Lagune 1_Deutsch als Fremdsprache_Arbeitsbuch ; Lagune 1. Deutsch als Fremdsprache_Kursbuch ( FYBA GERMAN)Mahajan, Sneha
Oct-202026. Trennbare Verben.docx ; 27. Genitiv ; 28. Genitiv ; 29. Genitiv ; 30. Genitiv ; 31. Genitiv Präpositionen ; 32. Genitiv Präpositionen ; 33. Passiv ; 34. Passiv ; 35. Passiv ; 36. Passiv ; 37. Passiv Präteritum ; 38. Passiv Perfekt ; 39. Possessivartikel ; 40. Possessivartikel ; 41. Reflexivpronomen ; 42. Reflexiv ; 43. Reflexiv ; 44. Reflexiv ; 45. Reflexiv ; 46. Reflexiv ; 47. Rezepte im Passiv ( FYBA, SYBA, TYBA GERMAN)Mahajan, Sneha
Jan-20212D Animation - I-
27-Oct-20203. Perfekt ( F.Y.B.A, S.Y.B.A, T.Y.B.A GERMAN)Mahajan, Sneha